I can finally say we put the house on the market, yesterday. All the work of the past few months has resulted in the cleanest, sparsest, most orderly and attractive place I've ever lived. Oozing with character. But it doesn't matter what we think, it's what somebody else thinks! So if you know anyone looking for a charming house in the French countryside, send them here
Have been lax about posting (or doing much of anything that doesn't involve a paint or scrub brush and some practicing) but wanted to share the news and also post our tour dates - we're just about to drive to Innsbruck. God that sounds glamorous...maybe not the driving part, but having been there I have to say it is a fabulous town and I'm excited. Though the next date is Dachau - what will that be like? That is part of the fun of touring - heading into the unknown, just a woman and a man with a dream, some guitars and other stuff, crammed into a car...
Wreckless Eric & Amy Rigby tour dates
Wed 16 Mar Verein PMK Innsbruck, Austria
Thu 17 Mar Kultur-Schranne Dachau, Germany
Fri 18 Mar Treibhaus Luzern, Switzerland
Sat 19 Mar El Lokal Zurich, Switzerland
Sun 20 Mar B-72 Vienna, Austria
Tue 22 Mar Kampnagel Hamburg, Germany
Wed 23 Mar Crystal Club Berlin, Germany
Fri 25 Mar Blau Mannheim, Germany