Number of countries: 4
Flights: 8
Rail systems: 5

Guest beds slept in: 5
Hotel beds: 2
Couches: 3
Air mattresses: 1
New movies seen: 4
Michael Clayton (not so new but...)
The Savages
There Will Be Blood
Friends met up with: 17 (approx.)

(My friend Kit Keith, a wonderful painter)
Family members visited: 8
Concerts: 2 (My brother Michael's Sit & Die Co. & John Prine)

(Michael & the boys at Otto's, 14th St. NYC w/guest Baby Maria)
Museum exhibits: 4
(New York Public Library's Kerouac exhibit)
Miles travelled: several thousand
(Hazel's lovely roommate Libby in the rearview)
Daughters I could convince to stay in school this semester: 0

Take it from the former college flunkout/dropout turned professor/university lifer: She'll be back (I hope). Better she take a break than not. Sigh.
Words of wisdom from one who never gave up the rock, just found a way to turn it into an academic career...Thanks Norma!
norma is is better to take a break if she needs to...and come back when the time is right and the way is a little better illuminated...
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